
  • Telecommunications has been in existence since the establishment of Postal & Telegraph Department by British.The fast changing environment in telecom sector necessitates the up to date knowledge & expertise of the technical adre. After recruitment through Combined Engineering Services Examination, conducted by UPSC, induction Training for the ITS Group-A probationers was started in Bharatratna Bhimrao Ambedkar institute of telecom training (BRBRAITT), Jabalpur. From 1978 onwards, Advanced level telecommunication centre (ALTTC), Ghaziabad became the focal point for managing this training. The ITS officers were also trained at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) until 1980.
  • In year 2000, the services & operations wing of DoT was corporatized and a new corporate entity 'BSNL' was established.  Both training institutes, ALTTC as well as BRBRAITT became part of BSNL in view of the training needs of absorbed technical Officers of BSNL.
  • Since year 2000, exponential growth happened in Indian telecom sector. Role of Department of Telecommunication became very important to fuel and sustain this growth.  Besides handling licensing complexities in a fast changing scenario, Telecom Enforcement & monitoring became a big challenge for the licensor. To take care of this aspect, a new technical wing of Telecom Enforcement & Resource monitoring was created in 2006.
  • While, the induction & in-service training of ITS Group-A officers continued at ALTTC Ghaziabad during the transition phase of 2000 to 2010, it was always pointed out by the DoT officers that a customized training is the need of hour. To meet such requirements, a dedicated approach is required to assess such training needs, design & conduct training accordingly.
  • In the year 2010, Hon' able MoC&IT gave approval for setting up of National Telecom Academy to operate under the supervision and control of Sr DDG TEC. It was decided that this academy will operate from ALTTC Ghaziabad. The Academy started its training activities in January 2011.
  • In March 2011, Hon' able MoC&IT accorded approval to enhance the scope of activities of the academy and renamed it as National Telecommunications Institute for Policy Research, Innovation & Training. Since then, besides meeting the training needs of DoT officers, NTI also conducts training programs for law enforcement agencies in India.